Almost exactly one year ago, I saw the Man of the Woods tour at Little Caesars Arena. It was a great show, I mean, it’s Justin Timberlake, is there an alternative???, but it didn’t blow me away. I figured that was because I was in the lower bowl instead of on the general admission floor.
When Justin announced he was returning to Detroit, I really wanted to go … on the floor, and truly feel a part of the action. When I spotted $175 dollar party pit tickets on Ticketmaster, I had to snap them up. For big JT fans still headed to this tour and considering a ticket purchase, keep your eyes peeled for these. They are limited and hard to snag, but with persistence, sometimes even checking the day of the show, it is possible.
This is a great ticket buying lesson in general. Patience and persistence are key.
Mom nor Dad were interested in standing on the floor for two or three hours, so when Dad’s boss showed interest, I jumped at the chance to spend quality time with her and see Justin again.
I really can’t say enough how seriously fantastic Little Caesars Arena is. Everyone there from the security to the ushers to the concession workers is so nice and works so hard to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. I’m always looking forward to my next trip there.
After a quick tour from a friend who works there, we walked around the concourse and then headed down to the party pit just in time for the end of DJ Freestyle’s set. We got pumped with a little Lose Yourself and then waited for Justin.
Just short of two hours, Justin’s set is really nonstop. Hit after hit, song after song, insane dance moves, an incredibly talented band. He utilizes the stage that spans the floor so well and makes everyone feel a part of the action.
I had already seen the show; the only real change was removing the “campfire” section which didn’t work the first time. So the real test became whether or not it was worth it to see again from a different vantage point.
It was. you guys, it so was.
When Justin was in the center stage he was so close. We made eye contact! He touched hands of people near me. Signed a cast of a little boy. Congratulated someone on beating cancer. He was right there and it was crazy.
The video screen panels that drop from the ceiling created a little insulated bubble around the party pit that made the show feel incredibly intimate. Yes, it was a nearly sold out Arena, but it could have been a little theater with just a few hundred people.
I guessed what my favorite moments would be, and I was right. Drink You Away and Mirrors back to back right in front of me was pure magic. There’s no other word for it. The moment when Justin set the microphone down for an audience sing along of Mirrors still gives me chills just thinking about it.
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From JT’s Man of the Woods show in Detroit on 3/25/2019, one of the best moments in the concert.
The show, the entire night, honestly, was one of those moments when I knew, I felt deeply, was super special, one of the best moments of my life. To understand that as it is happening is not something that happens often, but when it does, oh man, is it cool!
The last third of the show, following a video about couples in love, flew by. There were eight songs left, then five, then three, then we were jamming to Can’t Stop the feeling and the night was almost over. By the way, that’s another magical song that not only makes you dance but totally boosts your mood.
As we made our way to the elevator my voice was destroyed, my feet a little sore, but man, I felt great. Energized. Alive.
I can’t wait to see Justin again, and I can’t wait to hang out with Dad’s boss and all the awesome people at LCA.
We stopped at Evening Bar in the Shinola since no one was ready for the night to end, clear by the influx of people that walked in with us. Evening Bar is another of my favorite hang outs, and it’s nice that it is open until midnight even on a Monday. The people there are incredibly nice as well and make some killer drinks and fries.
I’m still living on the fumes of that night and remembering that life is short and I should let loose and dance whenever possible.
I’m going on Saturday and am so excited after reading your review!!
Have so much fun, Christine!
Sounds like a wonderful time! Terrific review — thanks.