I’m so excited it’s July and summer is totally here. This month our group of bloggers is sharing recipes that are full of patriotic themes of blue and red as well as many grilling and cookout recipes, and a lot of fun desserts and treats. Don’t forget to check back on the last day of each month to see each monthly recipe round-up.

Wisconsin Beer Brats from Cheese Curd in Paradise
Grilled Apple Butter Pork Tenderloin from Books n’ Cooks
Lechon Asada Pork Tenderloin from Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice
Salmon Tacos w/ Watermelon Pico de Gallo from Pies and Plots
Turkey Kielbasa and Vegetable Casserole from Girl Gone Mom
Lotta good dishes here! Good thing the 4th is on a Thursday, and we can all take a LONG weekend to celebrate. I’m going to need it to get through this amazing list of goodies. 🙂 Thanks!