You may not know this about me, but I don’t really like going on vacation. Sure it sounds like fun. I’ll try that restaurant. And visit that store. And walk along the beach. And. And. And …
But in reality I don’t really like long car trips and I can’t stand flying. Hotels kind of freak me out and the pressure of being on vacation and feeling like I have to be on the go at all times makes me tired just thinking about it.
That doesn’t mean I don’t like a day off every now and then. It doesn’t happen much. Believe me, I wish it happened more. A lot more. When I have the chance and the time, I like to take a vacation right in my own area.
Whether I stay at home and chill or explore a new museum or store I haven’t been to before, those vacation days are some of my favorites.
Palm Breeze is all about making time to vacay every day. I love that message and have really been trying to incorporate it into my life.
If you haven’t heard of Palm Breeze before, let me introduce you to it. It is a flavored malt beverage similar to beer in that it’s made with a malt base. However while the guys have a whole beer aisle aimed at them, Palm Breeze is totally aimed at us ladies! It comes in Ruby Red Citrus and Pineapple Mandarin Orange – those sound awesome for summer.
Whether you want to celebrate with your friends or take a little time for yourself; whether the party is inside or out, Palm Breeze is the perfect addition, and it’s so easy to pick up at the grocery store – just like I did.
I took a few hours this week to sit and chill with a good book, some fun nail polish and Palm Breeze. Oh, and a peach for a snack. You all know I’m obsessed with peaches. It was the perfect way to decompress from all the blog responsibilities and the plethora of writing and revising I’ve done on my novels and screenplays lately.
Next time I’m going to invite my friends over for snacks, Palm Breeze and a nice evening on the deck. Palm Breeze is going to be a part of a lot more of my vacations!
Even if you can’t get to the beach or some exotic locale right now, pick up some Palm Breeze, you’ll be surprised at how close a vacation really is.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
I’m obsessed with peaches too! (Another reason to love this time of year.) And I’d love to hear more about how your writing is going – hope it’s coming along well.
I love to write, and I have two projects, one novel and one screenplay that I am so proud of, but I need a connection to an agent. Do you have any advice?
I don’t have a connection to an agent – I’m actually looking for one right now too. The best advice I can give is just to research as much as possible about who would be the best agent for your work. If you can, maybe try going to a writer’s conference where agents are presenting, because sometimes if they have a personal connection with you it’s easier to get in the door.
I’ve received so many rejections (although some have been close) and the hardest thing is to keep looking and not give up. Good luck to you – I hope both our dreams come true!
I hope both our dreams come true as well. Good luck and keep me posted, Beth!