The past couple of winters were rather mild and even this one had its ups and downs. But last week was kind of unexplainable and really unacceptable (we need spring, Mother Nature!).
It snowed nearly every single day last week, culminating in a weekend storm that involved about a foot of snow and some ice to put the frosting on top of the frozen cake. It was bad. Really, really bad.
I’m not typically the kind of person that gets cabin fever, but as soon as the snow came, I had to get out of the house with the roads a mess.
I checked out the Garage, which is a super cool restaurant that was unfortunately empty because of the weather. The service, food, and atmosphere were all awesome. I definitely imagine it would be even better in the summer, chilling on the patio.
Then I bundled up and took some pictures in the snow, because as bloggers and Instagrammers, that’s what we do.
It was cold and snowy and not my scene, but even I have to admit it is kind of sort of almost pretty.
I’m way happier it is currently melting, and if I never see snow again that is more than okay with me.
Sweater: Ralph Lauren // Skirt: Dolce and Gabbana // Boots: Christian Louboutin // Cape: Burberry // Bag: Prada
Cool pictures!! And I totally get your position…. I do too think it is pretty cool to look at but it could melt as soon as I take it all in and the quicker the better….