This giveaway is CLOSED! Congratulations to Meryl on winning!
I’m guessing a lot of you had to face the whole back to school and perhaps back to work thing this week. I hope everything is going well, though I bet you could use a pick me up. No matter how much you love work or school, it’s hard to get back into that routine. And if you don’t love it, I feel your pain. Luckily I no longer have to dread this time of year, but the back to school section of Target still sends chills down my spine.
Luckily, I’m here to cheer you up with a giveaway of some awesome snacks. I rarely eat bakery or restaurant desserts anymore because I make so many sweet treats and most of the time I enjoy them more than their store bought counterparts. The same cannot be said for salty snacks. I don’t make potato or tortilla chips. I don’t even make popcorn. But right before dinner, I love a snack of a couple of chips. And right now homemade guacamole with some tortilla chips is one of my favorite dinners. I have a few favorites that are always in my pantry, and I wanted to introduce you to those and give you a chance to stock up on snacks too. With packing lunches, after school snacks, and game day munchies, I know you’d like to stock up your pantry.
Way Better Snacks are some of my favorites. I love that they are gluten free, vegan, low sodium, a good source of fiber, and are made in the US. It is so important that they are also certified non-GMO. In this day and age, non-GMO products are vital because who wanted to be eating science experiments? Way Better doesn’t use any funky ingredients, and the chips have sprouted ingredients in them. This might sound weird, but it’s super cool. Sprouted ingredients provide more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, digestibility, and nutrient absorption. Broccoli is one of the only vegetables I won’t eat, but in these chips, I say bring on the broccoli.
Plus, in my package of chips and information, they included a paper make of wildflower seeds that I can plant. It will then grow into flowers. Looks like Dad has some work to do this weekend!
It’s hard for me to choose a favorite, but I do have a hard time stopping myself from eating the Simply So Sweet Chili. They have just the right amount of heat that builds over time. Dad loves the Simply Sweeet Potato with all the quinoa and chia seeds. I’m also a huge fan of their No Salt Naked Blues. I consume very little sodium and a chip that brings the flavor and texture without the salt is a staple in my pantry. Way Better Snacks is a cool company producing great food that is great for you. Not many companies can say that.
I know you are craving these chips, so to enter to win one bag each of the Simply Sweeet Potato, Simply Sunny Multi-Grain, Simply Unbeatable Blues, Simply Beyond Black Bean, No Salt Naked Blues, and Simply So Sweet Chili, answer the question what is your favorite salty snack?
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IMPORTANT: This giveaway is open to US and Canada residents only. Canadians will only receive 5 bags of chips instead of 6.
The giveaway ends Monday, September 9, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST.
The winner will be chosen via the Random Number Generator on The winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!
Disclaimer: I was provided with samples and the giveaway by Way Better Snacks, but all opinions, as always, are mine.
I have to choose just one salty snack??! 😉 I reallly love pretzels and Doritos (I know…) but these look pretty darn fabulous too! I love that they’re non-GMO!
Sea salt potato chips.
Definitely BBQ potato chips!!
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Potato Chips, preferably Mike Sells (Cincinnati brand) but will eat some other brands.
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My favorite salty snack is potato chips
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My favorite is popcorn tho I love multigrain tortilla chips with guacamole!
I LOVE their sweet potato chips!! So addictive.
so sweet chili; those are truly amazing!!
chips and hummus…..
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My favorite salty snack is popcorn
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My favorite are Ruffles sour cream & cheddar…haven’t had those in a while 🙂
When I was in school, I ate those all the time!
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I just love some salty, buttery popcorn. Yum!
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My favorite salty snack is popcorn.
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My favorite salty snack is Terra chips with sea salt.
My favorite salty snack, (if i have to pick one) would prob be chips and salsa/guac or doritos!!
Well, lately my favorite salty snacks have been cashews and pretzel chips. I would love to try these chips! They sound great! I’m all about healthy snacks and food. I’ve been eating a lot of vegan foods. Its good stuff 🙂
I love a lot of vegan foods too!
My favorite salty snack is popcorn — preferably stove-top popped!
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My favorite salty snack is pretzels!
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I love Doritos even though they aren’t good for me and I rarely eat them.
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I like Crunchmaster Roasted Vegetable Crackers.
Tortilla chips.
Sweet potato chips are my fav! Just started following you on Instagram.
I love peanuts!
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I have no clue wich one i’d like best…
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I follow you on Twitter! @wild4wednesdays
I follow you on Pinterest! Lana756
I think I would like the Sweet Potato the best!!
Pretzels and onion dip!
My favorite salty snack is peanuts